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cpbooster provides the following command for you to easily test your program against all available test cases.

cpb test <filePath>

or the alias for test which is just t.

cpb t <filePath>

This command will automatically compile your program everytime you run it. See Test Without Recompiling for details on how to avoid recompiling your program each time.

Executable File Details#

The executable file will be located in your current directory and its name will match with the name of the source file except for the extension, which will be .exe. For example, if your source file name is ProblemA.cpp then the executable file name will be ProblemA.exe.This is because cpbooster uses filenames to associate everything (See File Structure for better understanding). If you wish to save the executable file with a different name, you can specify it in your languages.<lang>.command.

Test With A Single Test Case#

You can specify the test case, using the --testId flag or its alias -t.

cpb t <filePath> -t <number>

<number> should match with the numeric suffix of the corresponding .in and .ans files See File Structure for better understanding.

Test Without Recompiling#

You can tell cpbooster to run the tests using the last compiled version of your program by passing the flag --noCompile or its alias --nc.

cpb t <filePath> --nc

By using this flag, cpbooster will assume that there is a corresponding executable file for your program. Remember that the name of the executable file must be the same as the source file, except for the extension which must be .exe. Unless you specified otherwise in languages.<lang>.command.

Supported Veredicts#

How does it work?#

This sections explains How each possible output of the test command work.

Compilation Error#

If your code needs compilation (cpp, java, ...), this will be the first thing that cpbooster will try to do, unless the --noCompile flag was used.



Runtime Error#

cpbooster detects that there was a runtime error if your program exited with a status code different from 0 or if there were no corresponding .in and .ans files (See File Structure for better understanding).



Time Limit Exceeded#

To detect that the execution of a certain program has exceeded the time limit, cpbooster requires to know which is this time limit beforehand, the default value is 3000 milliseconds which equivalent to 3 seconds. To use a different value, the string time-limit: followed by the time limit in numeric format as milliseconds should be written somewhere in the source file as a commented line.


// time-limit: 2000
int main() {
int a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
cout << a + b << endl;
# time-limit: 2000
a, b = map(int, input().split())
print(a + b)

This line will be automatically added at the top of your source file with the default value when running cpb clone or cpb create.



Wrong Answer#

Each time you run a test, cpbooster will create one or more .outX files (in the same directory as the source file) which will correspond to your program's output when using the correponding .inX file as input. Each .outX file will be compared against the corresponding .ansX file and if there are differences, they will be printed beautifully.

  1. Each .in, .ans and .out file will and must have the same name as the source file associated with them. This is because cpbooster uses file names to make associations. See File Structure.

  2. X should be an integer number and every .in, .ans and .out file associated with a certain test case, must have the same numeric suffix X.



Accepted Solution#

If there were no errors or differences between the .out and .ans files, cpbooster will tell you that you have an Accepted Solution.


cpbooster will also tell you if your solution has extra leading or trailing blank spaces.


