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You can install cpbooster with a single comand, either using npm or yarn.


Install using npm#

npm install cpbooster -g

Note: In some cases you may need to run above command with sudo. However, it is recommended to install node and npm with nvm to avoid this.

Install using yarn#

yarn install cpbooster -g

Verify Installation#

cpbooster --help

You should see the description of each of the available commands. Read it to know what you can do with each of them.

Usage: cpb <command> [options]
Run `cpb <command> --help` to show help for an specific command.
cpb clone Run cpbooster as server for competitive companion
cpb test <filePath> Test your code against one or all (default) available
test cases. Run `cpb test --help` to see more usage
options [aliases: t]
cpb create <filePath> Create a new source code file with the corresponding
template loaded or multiple source files if a sequence
is given as file name. Run `cpb create --help` to see
usage options and examples [aliases: c]
cpb init Create a new configuration file with default values in
$HOME directory or if --configPath is specified, it
writes it in the given path. [aliases: i]
cpb login <url> Log in to the specified Online Judge (i.e. Codeforces,
AtCoder, ...). [aliases: l]
cpb submit <filePath> Submit a source code file as a solution to a problem in
an Online Judge (i.e. Codeforces, AtCoder, ...).
[aliases: s]
cpb stat <filePath> Outputs useful information about the specified
problem/file in a format that is easy to parse from
other tools
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--configPath Path to JSON configuration file
[default: "/home/san/cpbooster-config.json"] [string]

The next step is to create your configuration file. Continue to the next section, to see how to do this.#