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Create Files

cpbooster provides the create command or its alias c, to create one or several source files with your template preloaded in each of them.

cpb create <filePath>

or to create multiple files (using alias c to shorten the length of the command)

cpb c [path/]{start-end}.<extension>



Usage Examples

  • cpb create creates single file with the corresponding template loaded based on file extension
  • cpb create {a..n}.cpp creates multiple consecutive files from "a.cpp" to "n.cpp"
  • cpb create {a...n}.cpp same as previous command (Any amount of dots greater than 1 work)
  • cpb create {a-n}.cpp same as previous command (Single dash also works)
  • cpb create /some/path/a.cpp creates "a.cpp" in the specified path instead of current location
  • cpb create /some/path/{a-n}.cpp creates "a.cpp ... n.cpp" in the specified path instead of current location